How to capture industrial waste heat
for powering new production cycles and make thermal power plants more flexible?
Research shows that reducing energy consumption has more impact on the energy transition than scaling renewables. Heat is energy, and is at the heart of industrial production. Today, about 75% of global energy demand for industry is consumed as heat. Therefore, capturing and re-using waste heat from industrial processes has a massive impact on global energy efficiency.
Our waste heat recovery solution captures and stores excess heat to provide affordable energy on-demand for metallurgy and chemicals, cement and brick manufacturing, petrochemicals, and many other energy-intensive industries. By plugging ENERGYNEST’s ThermalBattery™ into industrial plants, heat that would otherwise be wasted can now be recovered and transformed into process heat, steam, electricity or pressurized air. Through this, not only is plant efficiency and decarbonization effectiveness improved, but also security of supply. By powering production cycles with recycled energy on demand, energy supply security is optimized, while energy consumption, costs and carbon footprint are all reduced.
ThermalBattery™ systems open entirely new possibilities for waste heat valorization. The storage system, usually designed with an heat exchanger and waste heat recovery unit allows industrial facilities to store thermal energy from thermal radiation or exhaust gas of more than 350°C to provide heat on demand, but also smoothing highly variable processes by acting as a buffer.
The stored thermal energy can serve multiple purposes for process heat of more than 150°C such as preheating, steam production or electricity generation and district heating with a turbine generator. The thermal energy storage system reduces electricty consumption and total cost by fuel savings from decreased natural gas consumption. It also allows participation in demand-side response programs and leaves carbon credits for large industrial emitters.
All too often in industry valuable high temperature heat from batch processes in furnaces, kilns etc comes in stops and starts. Processes to transform this waste heat into valuable electricity such as Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) rely on constant input, leading to further wastage.
Storing waste heat and turning it to power with our storage system is the missing link towards a better solution, enabling constant electricity production using ORC from waste heat. This innovative approach means reducing plant and electricity costs and increasing independence from the grid.
All too often in the industry, valuable high temperature heat cannot be re-used within operational processes and needs to be released as waste heat. Just hours later, at the same site or at the neighbour’s factory, a gas boiler is starting to provide steam for other processes (e.g. process heat, steam degassing) – but now it’s too late to repurpose the lost energy.
Storing waste heat and using for steam on demand is the missing link towards a better solution, making steam available on-demand dramatically reducing plant fuel and operating costs.
ENERGYNEST is developing a 60 MWhth ThermalBattery™ system at a major aluminium plant in Northern Europe. The project consists of recovering and storing thermal energy from flue gases in a casting plant, allowing a yearly energy recovery of more than 42 GWh.
The heat recovery system is used for electricity production and feed-in of residual heat to district heating networks. The projected revenue potential is for the plant is more than 2 mEUR and a reduction in electricity consumtion of more than 9%. With a payback of less than 4 years, the system can reduce peak load of 2 MW invoking grid reduction fees from the local utility, and supply 33 GWh of hot water to the local district heating network.
Our energy storage solution uses our patented, modular ThermalBattery™ technology to plug seamlessly into your existing infrastructure. Capture and store waste heat from industrial processes, then transform it into high grade process heat, steam, electricity or pressurized air on demand, whenever you need.
Today, about 75% of global energy demand from industry production is consumed as heat. Imagine if you could capture and re-use that waste heat – and then imagine our energy storage solution driving your energy transition. Reduce consumption, optimize your energy security and efficiency.
Tell us about your energy needs, and we’ll help you find an innovative renewable storage solution – right here, right now.
Tell us about your energy needs, and we’ll help you find an innovative renewable storage solution – right here, right now.