Webinar: Enabling energy transition with thermal technologies on March 31, 2022

BVES webinar

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Organized by the German Association for Concentrated Solar Power (DCSP) and the German Energy Storage Systems Association (BVES) as an official side event to the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, Dr. Magnus Mörtberg will be part of the webinar “Enabling Energy Transition with Thermal Technologies”. Magnus will be speaking on Supporting Decarbonisation at Yara with balancing their steam grids using thermal storage as part of Session 1 – Enabling Heat Transition for the Industry Heat Supply & Flexibility Options with Thermal Technologies from 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm CET. The event is held online. Please find all information on the webinar, the programme and registration here: https://www.bves.de/bves-dcsp-event-enabling-energy-transition-thermal-technologies/ Thermal technologies like concentrated solar power and thermal energy storage systems are key for the decarbonisation of the heat and power sector. Thermal technologies like concentrated solar power and thermal energy storage are key for decarbonizing energy systems. They enable the reliable provision of green heat, contribute to increasing energy efficiency and provide flexibility for both the heat and power sectors.

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